Friday, September 9, 2011

Composing a Magic

How can I make magics?

Magics are casted and invoked through the "Carrier." The "Carrier" is a container of "Elements". "Elements" are pre-installed in the game and cannot be modified (basically). All magics are composed of the mass of these "Elements." On the way of composing magics, at first, the size of carrier must be decided. And at least, an effect element will be needed. Types of elements are varied so much. These are divided into a few categories. Like "Effect", "Targeting", "Movement", "Time" and so on. And these combinations of elements decide the costs and the skill-requirements of the magic. *I have said it on twitter and put it here. :)

I will show up lists of elements below. Now it has not done yet and it'll be growing.

Elements of Magic


  • Heal wounds with sacred power
  • Cure a bad status
    • cure poison
    • stop bleeding
    • wake slept
    • remove silence
    • remove blindness
    • remove paralysis
    • return frozen
    • return stoned
    • raise dead


  • caster (same as using no targeting elements)
  • a person adjacent to the caster (Caster must stand next to the target for invoking effect)
  • a remote person
  • a remote grid of ground
  • a remote grid of space


  • Missile 1
    • fly to the target from caster
    • chase the target
    • through none-targeted characters or objects
  • Missile 2
    • fly to the target from caster
    • chase the target
    • collide with the other characters or objects
  • Arrow
    • fly to the target straight from caster
    • collide with the other characters or objects
  • Beam
    • fly to the target straight from caster
    • penetrate none-targeted characters
    • collide with objects

October 21, 2011 updated

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