Monday, October 3, 2011

Analyzing Magics: 02 - Magic Missile

"Magic Missile" is a one of most popular magic. In the D&D CRPG "The Temple of Elemental Evil", its ammunition can be increased by the caster's level and each ammunition can be set a target individually. I want to take this.

Magic Missile

It makes damages to a target's hit point by striking with ammunitions made by magical power.

  • It forms an ammunition and makes damages by strinking with it.
    • It takes a target physical damages.
    • It uses physical magic power.*1
  • Targets can be remoted.
  • It chases the target and doesn't collide any other characters or walls.*2

Thinking others from it

Entries marked asterisk have possibilities of taking another forms.

1. I wrote it uses physical magic. Another types of magic can be replacing it. So, using flame magic will make flame damages and it'll be called like "Fire Ball."

2. It can say it attacks only the targeted character. It's a element of "Movements." Another movements are

  • It flies straight to the target, but it will collide non-targeted characters or objects on the line of course. Say the movement type of "Arrow." Its cost will be lower than former type of "Chasing Missile."
  • It chases the target and can collide non-targeted characters or objects. Its cost will be lower than "Chasing Missile" but higher than "Arrow."
There will be more possibilities. I must think those in another article.

"Moving Speed" is a parameter proper to the Elements of Movement.

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