Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Analyzing Magics: 03 - Field Magics

Field magics can make various effects to the ground of combat terrain like D&D games' "Entangle," Ultima Online's "Fire Field," "Paralyze Field" and so on. When the characters enter the affected zone (mass of grids), he or she gets a effect that caused by the magic.

As same type of magic, Spatial magics can be thought. Its difference from Fields' is type of grid can be targeted and affected. Field magics can put on the ground only. Spatial magics can spread in the space.


It makes vine that twine around characters on the ground.

  • It makes characters unable to move.*1
  • Select a grid on the ground.
  • Area of effect is a radius from targeted grid.
  • Effect is invoked all of area immediately.*3
  • Effect remains on the grid during pre-defined duration.*4

Paralyze Field

It makes field of paralysis on the ground.

  • It makes characters paralyze.*2
  • Select a grid on the ground.
  • Area of effect is some types of mass of grid.
  • Effect is invoked all of area immediately.*3
  • Effect remains on the grid during pre-defined duration.*4

Fire Field

It makes field of flame on the ground.

  • It causes characters damages of flame.
  • Select a grid on the ground.
  • Area of effect is some types of mass of grid.
  • Effect is invoked all of area immediately.*3
  • Effect remains on the grid during pre-defined duration.*4

*1 "Move" is action that causes to change character's position. Shooting arrows, throwing items or casting spells can be done by affected characters.

*2 Characters affected in paralysis can't do any action (include shooting and throwing) and can't speak loud or shout. Only characters having the feat "Still Casting" can cast a spell with additional costs.

I think it must be added several states of "unable to move." (2, 3 are not implemented at the time.)

  1. Paralyzed
  2. Entangled
  3. Stopped
  4. Stoned
  5. Frozen
  6. Fainted
  7. Dead
4, 5, 6, 7 are not same as simple state of "unable to move"...

Another Possibilities

*3 If the affecting grid would be spreading and adding as time passes, say not immediately, it can reduce cost of that magic.

*4 If the caster must be continuing to cast for keeping effect, it will be able to reduce cost of that magic.

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