Saturday, August 13, 2011

Durability of Items

Almost all items, especially equipments, are going to be worn away by using. Each items have parameters of durability and maximum of it. How the item is worn away is divided by 5 steps and shown in literary. (There are some exceptions that I called "Stack Items," but I want to write about it separate from this article.)

How affect?

What I must think here is about its effects. In the first time, I've thought that the item should be broken and lost if it was continued using with condition of 0 durability. It would be like below.

  • Durability point is decreased with protecting from enemy's attack. (it occurs randomly, not always)
  • When durability point is 0, maximum durability point is decreased.
  • If maximum durability point is 0, this item is broken and cannot be used.
  • Durability point can be recovered by repairing at weapon shop. Maximum durability point is used as its limit and having no way to increase.

But in recently, I think it's not good. Because players want to keep using some legendary, forged or enchanted items. Passing time is an important factor in this game. Generation alters, but the world keeps advancing time. And player can make own ancestries in this alternation of generations, and leave items to the character of next generations.

What I've planned newly are some penalized conditions of broken items.

  1. It takes repairing costs more
  2. reduces the ability of attack
  3. reduces the ability of defence
2 and 3 are temporary effects that can be restored with repairing.

Though, the cost of reparing is variable between degrees of erosion. From this thought, more penalties are not necessary. Which is the best?

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