Saturday, August 6, 2011

Options of death

When your character's Hit-point reached 0, normally it means that the character has been dead. But I will make some options for against this rule.


Options for each individual characters' death are like below.

  1. Player's characters don't die
  2. Party members don't die
  3. Important characters don't die

1 is straight meaning.

2. "party member" means NPCs in your party. But event characters who rescued or escorted (etc..) by your party are not included.

3. Important characters are event characters shown in 2.

In any case, the end of each characters' lifetime cannot be overruled. "Passing time has meaning." It is one of most important thing in this game.

Annihilation of party

When all characters in the party are dead, it means annihilation. There are two options.

  1. "Game Over"
  2. Time passes and start same place

1. After the "Game Over" you can choice from making new character in same world, starting new world or loading your save files.

2. In this case, each character's life-and-death is depended on the option of character's death shown in above. If your party is in the dungeon, they are taken out of the dungeon and some of your items are kept in the dungeon (possibly it will be an option, too).

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