Monday, August 8, 2011

Types of Dungeon

In this game, dungeons are classified into two categories by its way of providing data. One is "Permanent Dungeons." These are prepared out of the game in advance and existing permanently in the world. One another is "Random Dungeons" generated procedurally at necessity of events. I want to think about types of dungeon for this procedural generation of the latter one.

What kind of dungeons can be thought?

It can be defined roughly

  1. Natural
  2. Artificial
  3. By creatures
, and these can be divided into more smaller categories. I want to simply list up what I could think. I think each type of dungeon should have an appropriate generation code. More smaller categories will come from these list (example: Is this cave having water vein?), those categories should-or-shouldn't have appropriate code is a matter must be thought.

Natural Dungeons

  • cave
  • cavern
  • forest
  • field

Artificial Dungeons

  • mine
  • den
  • ruined structure
  • graveyard
  • hamlet

Dungeons by creatures

  • cavernous nest
  • hole

needed more?

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